Mental Health & Wellbeing Service




WEB PCN, in partnership with Devon Partnership Trust, have established a Primary Care Mental Health & Wellbeing Team for patients of our 5 GP practices, Budleigh Salterton Medical Practice, Haldon House Surgery, Imperial Medical Centre, Rolle Medical Partnership and Woodbury Surgery.

image of a counsellor


The service aims to support and encourage patients in building more enriched and fulfilling lives

It accepts referrals for people who would like to increase their self-improvement whether for fitness, weight management, motivation or just to feel good about themselves as well as people with mild to moderate mental health issues.

The team includes provision of support from Mental Health & Wellbeing Coaches, Social Prescribing Link Workers and Senior Mental Health Practitioners to provide a holistic service that will help individuals in identifying the barriers to their good mental health and working with them to have a better time, more often.  Members of the team work alongside each other to ensure they provide you with the most suitable care that is tailored to your needs.


What we do

The Mental Health & Wellbeing team provide low level Mental Health support together with health and wellbeing coaching and community connecting that supports people to improve their motivation to make positive lifestyle changes.

The PCN Mental Health & Wellbeing team may be able to support you or guide you towards the appropriate support

A person offering a hand for support


Accessing the Mental Health & Wellbeing Team?

Step One

  • Speak to a clinician at your GP practice and they will refer you.

Step two

  • The team will contact you to give you an overview of the services available and get an understanding of your current needs.

Step Three

  • We will collaborate with you to decide on the most appropriate service for you. This may be discussed further at our team meeting.

Step Four

  • You will be contacted by a member of the team and either booked in to meet one of us or you will be signposted to the most appropriate service with our support.

Meet our Mental Health & Wellbeing Team

Mental Health and Wellbeing Coaches

Mental Health and Wellbeing Coaches deliver short term, goal-based interventions looking at specific wellbeing needs.  Coaching is a collaborative style of support that involves structured sessions to help empower and increase patients confidence in taking control of their own mental health and wellbeing.

Your Mental Health and Wellbeing Coach will guide you through 6 sessions, each lasting up to 45 minutes. These may happen by phone, video, or face to face.

Areas they can focus on:

  • Anxiety management
  • Improving mood
  • Self-management skills
  • Building confidence and self-esteem
  • Sleep hygiene
  • Promoting healthy lifestyle choices

Social Prescriber Link Workers

Social Prescribing Link Workers can support individuals to access statutory and voluntary services, groups, and activities that can help improve their mental & physical health, as well as their social wellbeing. They give people time and space to focus on what matters to them, taking a holistic approach, based on the persons priorities and wider health needs.

It will especially help people who:

  • Have one or more long term health conditions
  • Have had a recent health diagnosis and need help to connect with relevant support
  • Have low level mental health needs, are lacking in confidence, have low self -esteem
  • Are feeling lonely or isolated and would like support to get out and meet others
  • Are a carer in need of advice or support
  • Are a parent who would like help to access groups and support services for either themselves or their child
  • Would like to improve their physical health and fitness

Social Prescribing Link Workers can help by connecting people to:

  • Community groups and activities such as craft, gardening, singing, woodwork, bus trips, social groups etc
  • The gym, fitness classes, yoga, walking groups
  • Learning and training opportunities
  • Associations and charities that can support & give advice around dementia, cancer, stroke and Parkinson’s disease etc
  • Signposting to specialist advice services for financial difficulties, benefit checks
  • Food banks and local food larders
  • Social care support, onward referrals to community rehabilitation team, fire service home safety checks
  • Playgroups, children and young people support groups and signposting to other services

Senior Mental Health Practitioners

SMHP’s assess patients (<65 y/o) who are deemed as needing more complex mental health support.

They provide brief interventions with patients who do not meet the criteria for other mental health or secondary services.